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Email Marketing

We have use following services for email marketing

  1. Sendgrid integration
  2. Own cronjob
  3. Mail Chimp Intigration

Pay per click management

We have following development for PPC

  1. Adtext tool
  2. Keyword tool
  3. google adwords api
  4. yahoo bing api

Google Adwords or PPC Pay Per Click advertising is a very useful tool in online marketing and if set up correctly can increase sales. However set up your PPC Adwords incorrectly and you could lose a lot of money very quickly. Although there are many guides online to using Google Adwords there are savings to be made that can only come with experience.

Correct set up is essential but just as important is the day to day maintenance of the campaign, this involves monitoring positions, conversions and fine tuning your bids to maximize clicks. We would always recommend that you use a professional Adwords PPC management company to minimize losses through irrelevant clicks.