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Web development using open source technologies and custom demos.

In the corporate world, people expect much more from the website than company's information. JKSOL can redefine your online business by means of latest technological platforms by making it more interactive and useful for your clients.

JKSOL is having its expertise in web application development and web based software product development leveraging open-source platforms. JKSOL as a technology partner in conceptualization, design, development and maintenance of web based products provides best services to their clients.

Below is the indicative list of services under web development:

  • Web application development
  • Web services for mobile application development
  • Development of portal
  • Business Applications
  • Intranet application development
  • Social networking site development
  • Software/ web applications maintenance

Apart from excellence in Web development, our company ensures proper database integration with the website, that provides your customers more simple and user-friendly interfaces that help you do business online more effectively. JKSOL's website development process ensures that the site will be easy to find, fast loading, easy to navigate, uncluttered and at the same time useful to your clients.

Open source

CodeIgniter is an open source rapid development web application framework, for use in building dynamic web sites,web services with PHP.

Mostly we have used this framework for building Web services for mobile application development and web application and web sites

Yii is an open source, object-oriented, component-based MVC PHP web application framework.

Mostly we have used this framework for building Large system, ERP system, Membership system .

  1. Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern.
  2. Generation of complex WSDL service specifications and management of Web service request handling.
  3. Layered caching scheme. It supports data caching, page caching, fragment caching and dynamic content. The storage medium of caching can be changed.
  4. Security measures include cross-site scripting (XSS) prevention, cross-site request forgery (CSRF) prevention, cookie tampering prevention.
  5. Unit and functionality testing based on PHPUnit and Selenium.
  6. Automatic code generation for the skeleton application, CRUD applications.
  7. Code generated by Yii components and command line tools complies to the XHTML standard.

CakePHP uses well-known software engineering concepts and software design patterns, as Convention over configuration, Model-View-Controller, Active Record, Association Data Mapping, and Front Controller.

Mostly we have used this framework for building Web services for mobile application development and web application.

Symfony aims to speed up the creation and maintenance of web applications and to replace repetitive coding tasks.

Symfony2 is used by OpenSky, a social shopping platform, and the Symfony framework is also used by the massively multiplayer online browser game eRepublik, and by the content management framework eZ Publish in version 5.

Below are the points for Why we use Zend framework

  1. Modular : Building blocks that can be used piece by piece with other applications or frameworks
  2. Secure : All the cryptographic and secure coding tools you need to do things right
  3. Extensible : Easy to adapt the framework to your needs
  4. Community : A vibrant and active contributor and user base for getting help and giving back
  5. High Performing : Engineered with performance tuning in mind
  6. Automatic code generation for the skeleton application, CRUD applications.
  7. Enterprise Ready : A proven history of success running business critical and high-usage applications

WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL.

We expertise with wordpress by :

  1. Theme development and intigration
  2. Custom Plugin development
  3. Wordpress website maintenance
  4. Blog management

We expertise with magento by :

  1. Complete E-commerce website development
  2. Theme development and integration
  3. Custom Module development